Friday, March 4, 2016

That Little Orange Ball

This is Indiana's High School Boys Basketball Sectional week!    It's the end of another season, it's that time of year that leads us to finding the number one team in the state (in our designated class). 

I found myself back in the gym again tonight for game two.  We were victorious, this game a bit closer than I would have liked, but non-the-less we came out on top.   And, I will be back in the gym again tomorrow night as well.  Hoping for another win and the title Sectional Champs! 

I don't know about you, but I love high school basketball!  The fresh smell of popcorn, the loud music blaring over the PA system, the cheerleaders chanting and flipping, the boys running their pre-game drills, the refs puffing their chests trying to look ever so important, the buzzer sounding the whistle blowing the National Anthem, the announcement of the starters, and then Game on!   

The boys have four eight minute quarters to dribble around and pass the ball,  shoot the ball,  and rebound the ball.  The game is all about the little orange ball. To make the plays or to stop the plays.  To make the big shots and take the lead.  Keeping that ball and scoring the most points with that ball is the goal.  

Tonight we came out on top with that little orange ball.  Go Team!


  1. What a great slice. I loved your description of being there. I have never been to an American basketball game....but now I want to . Sounds like it's full of energy and fun. :)

    1. Thanks...was back in the gym again tonight and loved every minute of it! We are Sectional Champs! Woot Woot!

  2. Little orange ball? I thought you meant the ubiquitous fruit slice! Thanks for sharing a sporty surprise, instead :)

  3. Saw on the morning news that my high school won a very close game last night. When I was there, we went through a 3 year long losing streak...painful when you consider we live in the midst of Hoosier Hysteria!

    1. Hoosier Hysteria is something to take seriously! We won tonight and have the title as Sectional Champs. On to regionals next weekend.
