Thursday, March 31, 2016

Day 31

Day 31

Wow!  I can't believe we are at Day 31!  I did it!  I made it!  I loved every minute of it!

I have to say I am loving writing again.  I have carved out time each day to write and my hope is that I will continue with this each day!  I may not publish a post each day, but I will write each day.

I have read more over this past month too!  Reading posts and responding.  I have enjoyed that too!  I will continue to read and check in on some of favorite blogs as well.

What a GREAT challenge.  My goal for next year is to start this challenge with my class.

Thanks for a GREAT 31 Days!


  1. Holly - I agree with you! I can't believe I wrote every day. I loved finding you and reading your posts! I hope to continue writing daily as well and I would love to start the challenge with my class but it still seems a bit overwhelming. Oh well - I have a year to work on that!

  2. Holly, this is Brett from Go Poems. You are our book giveaway winner for Read! Read! Read! by Amy Ludwig VanDerwater. Congratulations! You will need to contact me with your mailing address via Twitter @theVogelman or via email bvogelsingeratgmaildotcom Thanks for commenting on the blog!
