Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Roller Coaster

Roller Coaster

Last evening my emotions were up and down and spinning all around like the Cork Screw ride at Cedar Point.  Excitement and a bit of fear all rolled into one. Excitement, I finished my first blog post. Fear, "Am I worthy? Will anyone care what I have to say?"  As I finished the post and gave it the final read through, I was feeling good, feeling a sense of accomplishment, feeling proud, I had done it!  I had started the blog, I had written the first post, I was about to go public.  

I began to pick up speed, inching my way along, reading the FAQ and the first timer tips, I was feeling good.  As I was inching my way closer and closer to the first post, my emotions started to shift and longer was I excited and a filled with a bit of fear.  I was becoming frustrated and confused.  I was reading but not really understanding, all the blogger talk was confusing.  I have no schema for this world of bloggers and the words and tools they use.  I have no idea what I'm doing.  I am not giving up.  I am sticking with it.

Here I am with post number two!  #SOL16


  1. Holly, you have newbie jitters that is understandable. Don't worry. We were all there once. As I always say, everyone has a voice. It is those who are brave and filled with positivity that move beyond their comfort zone to let their voice rise. Your thoughts are honest and honor the small moment. Your title says it all. Let's continue connecting.

    1. Thanks for your kind words and support! The excitement is coming back, as the post is complete and posted and the comments start to fill the in box.

  2. You are here and you are figuring it out! You made it to Day 2, so the hardest part is over!

    I'm thankful for this perspective because as a long-time blogger, I think I forget how confusing the language and process was for me at first too.

    You're doing great! Only 29 more days to do!

    1. Thanks for your kind words! The excitement is coming back!

  3. Love that you came back today. You've got this. Please know that all of us have second thoughts, wonder if our writing is worthy of publishing, wonder if we should come back tomorrow. But like we said yesterday...Just write!

    1. Deb...Thanks so much for your support and kind words!
